
Heading Back to School: Documenting Summer Regression for IEP Meetings

Heading Back to School: Documenting Summer Regression for IEP Meetings

As the summer winds down, it's essential for parents of children with special needs to assess whether their child has experienced any regression in skills during the break. This documentation is crucial when discussing Extended School Year (ESY) services during the upcoming IEP meeting. Here's how you can effectively document any regression your child may have experienced over the summer.

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It is not “us” against “them” what teachers want parents to know.

Teachers often have valuable insights that can help foster a positive and collaborative relationship between special education parents and educators. Here are some key things that teachers may want special education parents to know:

1. We Are Partners in Your Child’s Success

Teachers want parents to know that they see themselves as partners in their child’s education. Open communication and collaboration are essential to ensure that the child’s needs are met both at school and at home.

2. Your Input Is Valuable

Parents know their children best, and teachers appreciate when parents share insights, concerns, and observations about their child's strengths, challenges, and progress. This information helps teachers tailor instruction and support to meet the child's needs.

3. Consistency Matters

Consistency between home and school routines, expectations, and reinforcement strategies can significantly benefit the child. When parents and teachers work together to maintain consistent approaches, the child is more likely to experience success.

4. Progress Takes Time

Every child learns at their own pace, and progress may be slow or uneven at times. Teachers work hard to provide individualized support, but it’s important to be patient and celebrate small victories along the way.

5. We Advocate for Your Child Too

Teachers are often strong advocates for their students within the school system. They work to ensure that students receive the necessary services, accommodations, and modifications to thrive in the classroom.

6. Behavior Is Communication

When a child exhibits challenging behavior, it’s often a form of communication. Teachers work to understand the underlying causes and address them rather than just focusing on the behavior itself. They appreciate when parents share insights into what might be triggering certain behaviors.

7. We Have Limited Resources

While teachers strive to provide the best possible education, they sometimes face limitations in terms of time, resources, and support. Understanding these challenges can help set realistic expectations and encourage a collaborative approach to problem-solving.

8. IEP Meetings Are Collaborative

IEP meetings are not just formalities; they are opportunities to collaboratively develop and refine the plan for the child's education. Teachers value parent input during these meetings and want to ensure that the IEP reflects the child's unique needs.

9. Homework May Look Different

Homework assignments for students with special needs may be modified or reduced compared to their peers. Teachers appreciate when parents support these modifications at home, focusing on reinforcing skills rather than quantity.

10. We Care Deeply About Your Child’s Well-Being

Teachers genuinely care about their students' academic and emotional well-being. They work hard to create a safe, inclusive, and supportive learning environment where every child can succeed.

By understanding these perspectives, parents and teachers can work together more effectively to support the child's growth and development.

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