Become a Member!

Introducing the Ask the Advocate membership service—a perfect solution for parents who just need guidance and feel confident in advocating for their child.

Led by seasoned educational consultant Maureen Brown, this service provides you with the tools you need to succeed, including:

  • Sample letters

  • Resource suggestions

  • and Personalized weekly emails

where you can get your questions answered directly by Maureen.

Now is the perfect time to join, as we're offering an amazing reduced price of

$300! $1,299

Don’t miss this opportunity to get expert support as you advocate for your child’s educational success.

✓ Unlimited lifetime access
✓ Sample letters
✓ Resource suggestions
✓ Personalized weekly emails

What you will get

Joining the Ask the Advocate membership offers even more than just expert guidance. Here’s why it’s a must-have for parents navigating special education:

Tailored Support

With sample letters and proven strategies, you’ll have practical tools at your fingertips, allowing you to confidently advocate for your child.

Cost-Effective Advocacy

Avoid costly attorney fees by learning how to advocate for your child independently while still having access to professional advice.

Access to Expert Knowledge

Get answers to your questions directly from Maureen Brown, an educational consultant with over 22 years of experience, giving you insider insights.

Ongoing Updates

Stay informed on the latest changes in special education laws, policies, and resources, ensuring you’re always up to date.

Save Time and Reduce Stress

No more guesswork! With curated resources and suggestions, you’ll streamline the process of getting your child the support they need.