When students with learning disabilities transition to college it’s important they continue to utilize their accommodations for success.

Accomodations in College

Accommodations while in College

Just because a student meets the requirements to get a high school diploma, and gets into college it does not mean their disability related needs disappear.

Continuing to seek support in college offers numerous benefits for students with learning disabilities, ensuring they can achieve their academic and personal goals effectively. Here are some key advantages:

  1. Academic Success:

    • Tailored Accommodations: Colleges can provide specific accommodations such as extended test times, note-taking assistance, and alternative formats for assignments, which help level the playing field.

    • Specialized Tutoring: Access to tutors trained to work with learning disabilities can enhance understanding and retention of course material.

  2. Skill Development:

    • Study Strategies: Support services often teach effective study habits and organizational skills tailored to individual needs.

    • Self-Advocacy: Learning to request necessary accommodations helps students develop self-advocacy skills crucial for future workplaces.

  3. Emotional and Psychological Well-being:

    • Counseling Services: Regular access to counseling can help manage stress, anxiety, and other mental health issues, which may be exacerbated by academic pressures.

    • Peer Support: Joining support groups can provide a sense of community and reduce feelings of isolation.

  4. Increased Independence:

    • Time Management: Support services can help students develop time management skills critical for balancing academic, social, and personal responsibilities.

    • Resource Utilization: Learning how to effectively use available resources fosters greater independence.

  5. Career Preparation:

    • Career Services: Assistance with job placement, internships, and career counseling can help students prepare for the workforce.

    • Workplace Accommodations: Understanding how to seek accommodations in college can translate to better preparedness for requesting similar supports in a professional setting.

  6. Legal Rights and Protections:

    • Knowledge of Rights: Awareness of legal rights under laws such as the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) ensures students can advocate for themselves in various settings.

    • Transition Services: Support can aid in the transition from college to post-college life, ensuring continued success.

  7. Social Integration:

    • Inclusive Activities: Participation in clubs, organizations, and social events helps students build a network and improve social skills.

    • Mentorship Programs: Access to mentors who understand their challenges can provide guidance and support.

By continuing to seek support in college, students with learning disabilities can not only improve their academic performance but also enhance their overall college experience, leading to greater personal growth and future success.

If you need support identifying which accommodations may be most helpful for you as you transition to college, set up a consultation now and lets us help guide you.

Maureen Brown

Ask the Advocate, LLC, Special Education and Placement Consulting.


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