Coaching Services

Special Education Advocacy is still not a Profession that requires a license, but obtaining the right training to be effective for your clients is critical. I can help to get you up and running and allow you to skip some of the steps I took that require years.

(It is the cliff notes version with the same high-quality results).

Are you are parent that is needed help to be the best advocate you can for your child, or are you looking to take your advocacy to the next level and become a paid Special Education Advocate and need to know how to do it? We got you. I can do Monthly coaching and help you with Setting up your Advocacy practice, Advocacy Skills, Where to find Clients, Social Media, How to navigate conflict with schools, where to find training, and how to build a team around your child or your clients.

Maureen Brown with the students


Monthly Training sessions 4 online zooms a month. This will be guided by the topics you want to learn about. Get recordings of your session with action items

Maureen Brown with his clients


Training Mentorship, Attend Meetings and Shadowing, sample letters, sample graphs and ongoing questions and communication

Sitting in front of Laptop


Getting your Advocacy practice off the ground from A-Z The State and Federal regulations Interpreting testing data, Communication with Schools, Starting a business, How to run your practice seamlessly, pricing, social media networking, professional groups, trainings

Hire Maureen Brown as your coach to start your own special education advocacy practice Maureen Brown is an experienced special education advocate who has helped countless families navigate the complex world of special education. With her guidance and support, you can start your own advocacy practice and make a difference in the lives of children with special needs. As your coach, Maureen will provide you with the tools and knowledge you need to succeed. She will share her expertise in special education law, advocacy strategies, and networking skills to help you build a thriving practice.n addition to one-on-one coaching sessions, Maureen offers a range of resources and support materials, including legal templates, marketing advice, and access to her extensive network of contacts in the special education community. Whether you are just starting or looking to take your existing advocacy practice to the next level, Maureen Brown can help you achieve your goals. So why wait? Contact Maureen today and start your journey toward becoming a successful special education advocate.