Twice Exceptional Students

Twice Exceptional Students, what does it mean?

What does it mean to be twice exceptional? Please see this article written by Erika Sneath, the learning specialist.

Twice Exceptional (or “2e”) is the term used to describe students who have been diagnosed as intellectually gifted, as well as with one or more learning differences. Because their gifts and disabilities often mask one another, twice-exceptional students are among the least identified groups in schools.

This can cause great concern for families as they work tirelessly to guide their children through their schooling years.

2e students learn and process information differently than their peers, and often require additional processing time. Tracking minute details can be cumbersome to them as there not only is a lot of information to digest but also to process in real-time. Teachers at PacPrep thoughtfully guide their students through customized, standards-based lessons. They structure the lessons around the individual student’s pace, being mindful to both slow down and allow processing time, as well as keep a consistent and engaging tempo conducive to optimal learning. For twice exceptional students, the approach is tailored even further to target instruction specifically around a student’s strengths.

If you are struggling to get the appropriate support for your 2e child please call us for a consultation. Ask the Advocate

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Ask The Advocate, Maureen Brown

Special Education Advocate Massachusetts

Maureen Brown

Ask the Advocate, LLC Special Education and Therapeutic Placement Consulting.

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