Is Your Child Receiving the Right Reading Instruction?

Is Your Child Receiving the Right Reading Instruction?


However, in early 2020 the state of Massachusetts published new guidelines on literacy instruction - which likely took a back burner once COVID swept in.  These guidelines, titled the Massachusetts Dyslexia Guidelines, provide rationale and an outline for new screening and intervention procedures, starting with children as young as preschool.

Should your child participate in this dyslexia screening, the evaluator will look into areas such as phonemic awareness (identification and manipulation of sounds in words) which are indicators of future reading ease or difficulty.  An important note about this screening is that it can be done before children start learning how to read - and early identification is the key to successful intervention.

If your child is identified as at-risk for dyslexia, the evaluators will use data from the screening to determine your child’s level of support needed, and area of instructional focus.  This is not special education referral or services - intervention will occur in the classroom, likely in a small group of students.  The goal of these new guidelines is to intervene before children start learning to read, to hopefully minimize future difficulty.

Do you know what type of reading instruction your child is receiving? We can help you make sure your student gets the appropriate intervention.  Click here to book your 30-minute consultation today and learn how we can be of service to you!

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Ask The Advocate, Maureen Brown

Special Education Advocate Massachusetts

Maureen Brown

Ask the Advocate, LLC Special Education and Therapeutic Placement Consulting.

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